人民下载旧版本彩票365软件_日博365备用网站_365bet体育在线官审查逮捕、审查起诉情况 |
案件分类 |
批捕、决定逮捕合计 |
决定起诉合计 |
Total of Arrests |
Total of Public
Prosecutions |
(case) |
(person) |
(case) |
(person) |
合 计 |
46789 |
67531 |
92771 |
128017 |
危害公共安全案 |
4129 |
4476 |
37477 |
38195 |
破坏社会主义市场经济秩序案 |
4040 |
6544 |
4885 |
9256 |
侵犯公民人身、民主权利案 |
8568 |
10160 |
10664 |
13659 |
侵犯财产案 |
17225 |
25345 |
21383 |
32193 |
妨害社会管理秩序案 |
12549 |
20684 |
17606 |
33728 |
危害国防利益案 |
29 |
52 |
19 |
50 |
军人违反职责案 |
贪污贿赂案 |
200 |
217 |
625 |
787 |
渎职侵权案 |
38 |
44 |
109 |
146 |
其他 |
11 |
9 |
3 |
3 |
人民下载旧版本彩票365软件_日博365备用网站_365bet体育在线官处理申诉案件情况 |
案件分类 |
Category of Cases |
受 案 |
立案复查 |
结 案 |
#改变原决定 |
Cases |
Cases Registered |
Cases |
Original |
Accepted |
for Reinves- |
Settled |
Decision |
tigation |
Changed |
合 计 |
Total |
1920 |
223 |
110 |
5 |
不服检察机关处理决定 |
Appeals against Decision of Procuratorate's Offices |
209 |
70 |
40 |
5 |
不服不批捕 |
Appeals against Rejection of Arrest |
25 |
2 |
3 |
不服不起诉 |
Appeals against Rejection of Prosecuting |
153 |
62 |
33 |
5 |
不服撤案 |
Appeals against Withdrawal of the Case |
不服原免予起诉 |
Appeals against Original Exemption of Lawsuit |
其他 |
Others |
31 |
6 |
4 |
0 |
不服法院刑事判决裁定 |
Appeals against Judgment of Criminal Case |
1711 |
153 |
70 |
刑罚执行中被害人申诉 |
Appeals of the Victim at the Punishment |
205 |
24 |
18 |
刑罚执行中被告人申诉 |
Appeals of the Defendant at the Punishment |
383 |
31 |
15 |
刑罚执行完毕后被害人申诉 |
Appeals of the Victim after the Punishment |
137 |
12 |
3 |
刑罚执行完毕后被告人申诉 |
Appeals of the Defendant after the Punishment |
884 |
79 |
29 |
其他 |
Others |
102 |
7 |
5 |
人民下载旧版本彩票365软件_日博365备用网站_365bet体育在线官出庭公诉情况 |
案件类别 |
Category of Cases |
适用简易 |
出庭公诉 |
程 序 |
一 审 |
二 审 |
再 审 |
Public |
上诉案 |
抗诉案 |
Summary |
Prose- |
First |
Second |
Appeal |
Procu- |
Retrial |
Procedure |
cutions |
Instance |
Instance |
Cases |
ratoral |
Applied |
Appearing |
Appeal |
in Court |
Cases |
合 计 |
Total |
39402 |
92346 |
91162 |
1160 |
753 |
407 |
24 |
贪污贿赂 |
Embazzlement and Bribery |
91 |
726 |
646 |
74 |
51 |
23 |
6 |
渎职侵权 |
Dereliction of Duty and Infringement
of Citizens' Right |
12 |
114 |
93 |
21 |
11 |
10 |
刑事案件 |
Criminal Cases |
39299 |
91506 |
90423 |
1065 |
691 |
374 |
18 |
人民下载旧版本彩票365软件_日博365备用网站_365bet体育在线官办理刑事抗诉案件情况 |
案 件 类 别 |
Category of Cases |
提出抗诉 |
审判结果 |
合 计 |
改 判 Revising Judgment |
维持原判 |
发回重审 |
(件) |
(件) |
(件) |
(件) |
Presenting |
Total |
Affirming |
Remanding |
Procuratoral |
Result of |
件 |
人 |
Original |
for |
Appeal |
Judgement |
case |
person |
Judgment |
Retrial |
(case) |
(case) |
(case) |
(case) |
合 计 |
Total |
522 |
438 |
227 |
330 |
126 |
85 |
二审小计 |
Sub-total of Second Instance |
492 |
414 |
208 |
300 |
123 |
83 |
贪污贿赂案件 |
Embazzlement and Bribery Cases |
19 |
21 |
13 |
19 |
7 |
2 |
渎职侵权案件 |
Dereliction of Duty and Infingement |
10 |
16 |
2 |
1 |
11 |
4 |
of Citizens' Right Cases |
刑事案件 |
Criminal Cases |
463 |
377 |
193 |
280 |
105 |
77 |
再审小计 |
Sub-total of Retrial |
30 |
24 |
19 |
30 |
3 |
2 |
贪污贿赂案件 |
Embazzlement and Bribery Cases |
7 |
6 |
5 |
7 |
1 |
渎职侵权案件 |
Dereliction of Duty and Infingement of Citizens' Right Cases |
刑事案件 |
Criminal Cases |
23 |
18 |
14 |
23 |
2 |
2 |
人民下载旧版本彩票365软件_日博365备用网站_365bet体育在线官办理民事、行政抗诉案件情况 |
案 件 类 别 |
Category of Cases |
合 计 |
民事案件 |
行政案件 |
Total |
Civil |
Administrative |
Cases |
Cases |
受 理 |
Cases Accepted |
7211 |
6292 |
919 |
提请抗诉 |
Submitting Procuratoral Appeal |
472 |
439 |
33 |
抗 诉 |
Procuratoral Appeal |
305 |
288 |
17 |
提出再审检察建议 |
Giving Retrial Procuratorate Suggestion |
396 |
392 |
4 |
抗诉案件再审 |
Retrial of Procuratoral Appeal |
233 |
225 |
8 |
改 判 |
Revising Judgment |
118 |
114 |
4 |
发回重审 |
Remanding for Retrial |
25 |
24 |
1 |
调 解 |
Mediation |
8 |
8 |
0 |
维持原判 |
Affirming Original Judgment |
59 |
56 |
3 |
其 他 |
Others |
23 |
23 |
0 |
人民下载旧版本彩票365软件_日博365备用网站_365bet体育在线官受理举报、控告和申诉案件情况 |
案件类别 |
Category of Cases |
受 理 |
处 理 |
#分送检察机关 |
#转其他机关 |
Handled by |
General Office |
Transfering |
Cases |
Cases |
of People's |
to Other |
Accepted |
Handled |
Procuratorate |
Organs |
合 计 |
Total |
19192 |
18895 |
15779 |
1024 |
首次举报 |
First Report of an Offence |
1725 |
1678 |
687 |
627 |
首次控告 |
First Accusation |
1200 |
1178 |
860 |
172 |
首次申诉 |
First Petition |
16267 |
16039 |
14232 |
225 |
人民下载旧版本彩票365软件_日博365备用网站_365bet体育在线官纠正违法情况 |
项 目 |
Item |
2015 |
2016 |
2017 |
2018 |
2019 |
书面提出纠正 |
Written Rectification |
件次合计 (件次) |
Total of Written Rectification (Case-times) |
2201 |
2364 |
2757 |
2113 |
2419 |
立案监督小计 |
Sub-total of Supervision of Cases Filing |
1555 |
1858 |
2517 |
1754 |
1946 |
监督立案 |
Supervision of Cases Filing |
1112 |
1217 |
1418 |
1052 |
840 |
监督撤案 |
Supervision of Cases Withdrawed |
443 |
641 |
1099 |
702 |
1106 |
侦查监督小计 |
Sub-total of Supervision of Investigation |
557 |
390 |
166 |
278 |
394 |
审查批捕环节 |
Supervision of Investigation in the Processof Arrests Approved |
418 |
305 |
107 |
112 |
97 |
审查起诉环节 |
Supervision of Investigation in the Process of Prosecution |
139 |
85 |
59 |
166 |
297 |
刑事审判监督 |
Supervision of Criminal Trial |
89 |
116 |
74 |
81 |
79 |
刑罚执行监督人次小计(人次) |
Sub-total of Supervision of Punishment Execution (person-times) |
11682 |
13685 |
10859 |
6072 |
3209 |
监管活动 |
Administration of Prison and Custody |
9514 |
11960 |
5940 |
2330 |
1098 |
超期羁押 |
Excessive Custody |
1 |
18 |
581 |
326 |
224 |
减刑、假释、暂予监外执行 |
Commutation of Sentence, Parole and Released,Temporary execution
outside prison |
2167 |
1707 |
4338 |
3416 |
1887 |
已纠正件次合计 (件次) |
Rectified Total of Rectified (Case-times) |
1714 |
2077 |
2214 |
1573 |
1583 |
立案监督小计 |
Sub-total of Supervision of Cases Filing |
1307 |
1717 |
2056 |
1348 |
1341 |
监督立案 |
Supervision of Cases Filing |
865 |
1223 |
1168 |
812 |
611 |
监督撤案 |
Supervision of Cases Withdrawed |
442 |
494 |
888 |
536 |
730 |
侦查监督小计 |
Sub-total of Supervision of Investigation |
355 |
278 |
89 |
163 |
208 |
审查批捕环节 |
Supervision of Investigation in the Processof Arrests Approved |
282 |
243 |
72 |
72 |
65 |
审查起诉环节 |
Supervision of Investigation in the Processof Prosecution |
73 |
35 |
17 |
91 |
143 |
刑事审判监督 |
Supervision of Criminal Trial |
52 |
82 |
69 |
62 |
34 |
刑罚执行监督人次小计(人次) |
Sub-total of Supervision of Punishment Execution (person-times) |
11677 |
13652 |
10605 |
5718 |
2548 |
监管活动 |
Administration of Prison and Custody |
9508 |
11933 |
5843 |
2306 |
1059 |
超期羁押 |
Excessive Custody |
1 |
18 |
545 |
279 |
221 |
减刑、假释、暂予监外执行 |
Commutation of Sentence, Parole and Released,Temporary execution
outside prison |
2168 |
1701 |
4217 |
3133 |
1268 |
全省人民下载旧版本彩票365软件_日博365备用网站_365bet体育在线官检察官基本情况 |
指 标 |
2018 |
2019 |
检察长人数 |
174 |
179 |
#女性 |
23 |
22 |
副检察长人数 |
546 |
537 |
#女性 |
71 |
70 |
检察官人数 |
3874 |
4091 |
#女性 |
1181 |
1348 |
司法辅助人员数 |
4578 |
3879 |
#女性 |
1581 |
1486 |
人民下载旧版本彩票365软件_日博365备用网站_365bet体育在线官办理公益诉讼案件情况 |
案 件 类 别 |
Category of Cases |
线索(件) |
立案(件) |
诉前程序(件) |
起诉(件) |
挽回直接损失(亿元) |
督促复垦耕地(亩) |
收回林地(亩) |
清理河道(公里) |
治理水域(亩) |
clue |
register |
Pre litigation procedure |
Prosecute |
Recovery of direct losses |
Supervise and urge reclamation of cultivated land |
Woodland recovery |
River cleaning |
Control water area |
合计 |
Total |
7304 |
4584 |
3265 |
179 |
2.15 |
5680 |
288.9 |
559.5 |
12679.9 |
民事公益诉讼 |
civil public interest litigation |
416 |
318 |
167 |
168 |
77.1 |
67.7 |
环境资源领域 |
Environmental resources field |
276 |
222 |
122 |
124 |
食品药品领域 |
Food and drug field |
102 |
86 |
44 |
41 |
英烈保护领域 |
Heroic protection field |
2 |
2 |
其他领域 |
Oghers |
36 |
8 |
1 |
3 |
行政公益诉讼 |
Administrative public interest litigation |
6888 |
4266 |
3098 |
11 |
5602.9 |
221.2 |
559.5 |
12679.9 |
环境资源领域 |
Environmental resources field |
5357 |
3036 |
2151 |
6 |
食品药品领域 |
Food and drug field |
711 |
581 |
457 |
2 |
国土出让领域 |
Territorial transfer field |
208 |
141 |
89 |
国有财产保护领域 |
State-owned property field |
188 |
164 |
126 |
2 |
其他领域 |
Oghers |
424 |
344 |
275 |
1 |